Rocky Horror

Name: Adrienne
Birthday: April 26
Occupation: Editorial Assistant
Fun Fact: I got invited to join FBC because AJ and JD liked my halloween costume. I was the evil queen from Snow White.
Favorite Quote: "My mother said that all were angels, but I swear I saw the evil, evil that bleeds from the sky." - Nothingface

I am currently a costume tech at Full Body Cast (aka, Frank's bitch). My favorite thing about RHPS is putting Frank's tattoo on. I am almost good enough to do it freehand without messing up. I also ride horses and go to metal shows. My favorite bands are MSI, Pantera, Nothingface, Hell Within, Slayer, Ozzy, NIN, and anyone else who makes good noise. But my all time favorite thing (when I'm not at Rocky) is to go see local bands (One of us, ApathetiQ, Neon Calm, Trauma Concept).